Friday, February 27, 2009

"In the Crossfire" - Starsailor

Since starting this blog a couple months ago I've tried to mainly focus on current releases. However, some weeks I struggle to find worthy content to post. Hence, I am going to begin posting songs from time to time that may not necessarily be the newest material, but still probably flew under your radar.

Starsailor is a band that has been a household name in the UK for years, but never achieved the worldwide success of their peers Coldplay, despite having a relatively similar sound. They will be releasing a new album in the weeks ahead, but this song is from their 2006 release. Despite its age I just discovered it yesterday, and I can't get it out of my head. Sure the lyrics are kinda sappy and the sound is a little ballad-y---but when that chorus kicks in, I challenge you to not pump your fists in the air and scream right on cue.


  1. oh man- i saw these guys at the 9:30 club in winter of 2000... and they were awesome. (At the time I thought they sounded more Oasis-y). Thanks for alerting me to the album!

  2. I haven't any starsailor stuff in forever, and kind of completely forgot about them. Always thought this was an under rated band, definitely going to give their new album a twirl. Wait. I meant whirl.
